Wednesday, July 06, 2005

I heard an interesting program on KQED today. The makers of the movie: Mana, Beyond belief and also the author of The Biology of Belief. Both of these seem to parallel a non-mechanistic/non-materialist approach to creativity.
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Francis Bacon defined the mission of modern science shortly after the onset of the scientific revolution (1543).? Accordingly, the purpose of science was "to dominate and control Nature."? To accomplish that goal, scientists had to first acquire knowledge of what "controls" an organism?s structure and function (behavior).? Concepts founded in the principles of Newtonian physics defined the experimental approach to this quest.? These principles stipulate that the Universe is a "physical mechanism" comprised of parts (matter), there is no attention given to the invisible "energy."? In this world view, all that matters is "matter."? Consequently, modern science is preoccupied with materialism.
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